Oct 13, 2010

Front Office@TWKL

So, this is my second week in Westin and im assigned to Front Office department.
Although this is just second week, but it seems like so long ald.
Monday backwards, 
we was in 9am shift.
We wore the newly FO outfit, but I still think that WEC outfit looks better...Lolx
Monday and tuesday is still our familiarisation week, 
we still walk here and there...

With 2inch heels, stand 10hours per day..
My feet is suffering throughout the day, I wonder will my feet "broke" after 1month?
This is what we called "Hotel Life"
All my frens, add oil ya!!!

Still takes my time to get use to Front desk check in/out guest, Opera system...
There are alot for me to learn, hope I can really handle at least a check in/out!