Sep 21, 2009

5.2 gatHeriNg~~

Juz gOt a high schOol gath3riNg wif my 5.2 Old claZ mates 2daYs ago....

Miss tHem sO much, since long time din meet at all..^^

sO, 20th decided to have a gathering coz it's a public hOliday n manY of them came bck tO SP..

FinallY my gath3rinG successfulL...yeah!~~

We will meet each other once in a while...evrtime i meet my frens, really miss my hiGh schoOl time very much..

High school time all of us is more simple, pure n 'innOcent' cOmpare to nOw...Most of them changes no matter fr outloOk, lifestyle or tHinking...

We all have our new life n new frens d, but mOst important is we duN fOrget each oth3r by keePing in tOuch thRu internet..haha... FB rul3z~~~~